Thursday 31 December 2015

2015: A year in Review

Dear readers,

what I can say, another year is over and a new one is about to begin. And whilst I'm celebrating the holidays with my family and friends in Belgrade, I am reviewing my year, which I personally consider to be the most eventful of years, I've had so far in my life.

When the year began, I told myself that each week, I would pick a song which I listened to that week the most and write it down into my planner. Since 2015 is now at its end, I took my planner and put all the songs into a playlist in chronologic order. You can find the playlist by clicking here!

There is something about being able to have a song a re-live a certain period your life, and by noting one down each week, I can really re-live my year just by listening to one playlist. I know I'm not thte first one to do this, but I do find it nice. In total 2015 was the most eventful of years due to reasons such as, but not limited to:
- flying on 31 flights, visiting 11 countries (raised my no. of visited countries from 27 to 29)
- graduating from the German School of Prague and starting my studies at the University of Potsdam
- moving out of Prague and in to Berlin, with the most amazing roommate ever.
- having 3 relationships, out of which all failed

That being said, I guess 2015 has had a lot of ups and downs, with the biggest downside being, that I haven't really written a single thing this year, most of my book projects etc. even finished ones are from 2014, I barely did anything in 2015 regarding that. I started this blog, leaving at least some forms of text behind, but it's not really what I want to do. I really hope that I will find more motivation to do so in 2016, that would be my one and only new year's resolution.

A few memorable stories from 2015:

Whilst in Budapest, I met a nice American guy and a nice Russian woman on Heroes Square, we took photos of each other, because each of us was traveling alone. The American and I actually spent the entire day together and even went for dinner together. A week later in Moscow the Russian woman did the same for me. I still have their contacts.

I went to Tunisia very spontaniously, booking my tickets with my mother only two days in advance, and that was only a week after the attack on Tunisia by terrorist. I wasn't scared at all, whilst the rest of the world was terrified. I actually got over a relationship there, and it was the calmest week of my year.

The best thing that can happen to you when you're getting older is when you can still re-discover your childhood, which I did on a field trip in Bulgaria when a friend of mine took me out of Sofia for a day and we went to Plovdiv. I fell in love with that city, and I would give anything to re-live that day. I have never behaved so childish and innocent in a day.

When I was on the Red Square in Moscow, I approached a woman, asking her to take a photo of me. She liked the way I look so we did a photo shoot.

Three days after moving to Berlin, I had my first official kiss with a guy there, is was at night underneath the stars in front of the German parliament. I hope he doesn't read this.

My best friend and I climed on the rooftop of my builing in Prague and sang our favourite songs together. Knowing that my move to Berlin separated us, we felt strong like never before by singing our hearts and feeling as if the world was ours by overlooking the skyline.

I entered 2015 in Ankara and fell asleep next to a guy whom I had a major crush on for months, and got to wake up next him to be the first real thing I saw in 2015 (he's straight, so I am praying that he doesn't read this). I will end 2015 in Belgrade, Serbia.

Speaking of Belgrade, I visited my hometown 9 times this year, compared to Zagreb (my secondary town of origin), which I visited once. got 13 posts which I'm proud of, and a total more than 430 clicks, which isn't much, but it's something and I'm thankful for every reader! Especially on my post "the best job ever" which was the most read with over 60 hits!

Thank you for an amazing 2015, and let's hope for a nice 2016!

Love, Stefan

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