Dear readers,
What is the key to success? Many people will ask this question, and many people who did succeed in life will get asked this question. For some reason, even I got asked this question, even though my personal success is rather limited to minor issues regarding some projects I work for. I’m going to put my theory out in the open right now: There is no key to success, but there are keys to success, just like there isn’t only one nice apartment in a city, but multiple ones. Also we always must define what success is, because there are different ways to it.
To define it briefly, I would say succeeding in something, means accomplishing the task to fulfill a wish one once had, or to feel as if ones life is an accomplishment. Success can be divided into sections, as in most cases a person is successful in one part of life, but is not doing well in another. I usually make a five category division: family life, love life, social life, work and health. So far, I have barely encountered people, who are worry free in all categories.
I’m going to be honest with you here and allow me to say how I’m doing in my own five categories:
1. I personally worry about family a lot, and I don’t feel like I’m contributing to it successfully.
2. I have given up on my love life, as so far, it’s proven me that it is in fact a waste of time.
3. My social life is successful. I have my closest friends whom I can count on, and a lot of people looking up to me. (Which is really nice, but it also puts pressure on me from time to time.)
4. Work has basically become my life. I spend most of my time working on some text, book, post, article, short-story and or scenario. If I’m not doing that, I am working on my life administration, and I’m preparing myself for university at the moment, in which I hope to do good.
5. I am in perfect physical health right now. My blood pressure gets problematic at times, but it doesn’t even harm me, so I am completely fine on that issue.
If I look at that base of my life, I can see how success, could be built, and where it could be built. I could work more, and be really successful in that category, but I might neglect other categories. I could start working on my family life, and try to keep contact with most of them, but the time it’ll cost me to get me anywhere will be longer, but the success might be more rewarding. I always try balancing my social life with my work, but what if one takes over the other, just to make itself better? Or what if I have to drop everything, in case my health gets worse? (God forbid that happens) All those aspects always leave me wondering about what success really is, and when I will be able to call myself successful? Do I have to be of a certain age to be successful? Not really, I mean I had success in school, by organizing multiple international projects. I was successful. Am I still? Maybe. Maybe not. It’s perspective I guess.
One final thought: Do I see this blog as successful, now after having it for half a year? I guess that depends. I posted much less, than I intended. I wanted to post more on cities around the world, I wanted to share much more travel stories, and I wanted to discuss many more social issues. And I keep telling myself to write more, but then I’m stopped by the thought, that not many people are reading this anyways, so why should I write something for the public? And that’s where I tell myself, that if I at least inspire and / or entertain one person, it’s worth writing the thing. Only about 5 - 10 % of what I write ever get’s to see the light of day, by being read by one other person than me (not incl. handwritten letters, which are always addressed at someone, about 80% are sent off). And only about 1 - 2 % of my written words get posted to the internet via some form of social media. I am trying to change those figures, but I keep on spending time writing way too private stuff, and addressing topics, which aren’t really interesting for your average blogger.
So, in the end, I guess only time can tell us, when we are successful and at what. My conclusion would be, that everyone is successful throughout life in different fields. It’s like playing basketball, you might have set your eye on throwing the ball into the basket, but you might score 2 points, instead of your intended 3 points. And you can’t always look at the ball and the basket, but you need to keep the entire field of players on your mind. Good luck on the field!
Love, Stefan
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